Government Procurement Made Simple, Efficient and Paperless

We help government buyers make more inclusive and sustainable purchases, faster, through compliant and secure methods.

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Save Time & Reduce Effort

Spend (30%) less time finding reliable vendors, requesting quotes, and tracking orders.

Small Purchase Dashboard

See all your purchases in one place and gain insight into your purchasing impact.

Access Order Details

Real time track, flag, and return orders from different vendors with one click.

Buy From Verified Vendors

All vendors are verified and hold their business certifications and clearance documents from government-trusted databases.

Government Buyer Dashboard

Simplified procurement through our Government Buyer Dashboard. Reduce by 90% the time and effort it takes buyers to request, receive and verify quotes for your informal bids.

Compare our open marketplace and our SaaS platform

Glass Commerce offers a variety of features in our Glass Commerce Marketplace and our Glass Commerce SaaS. Evaluate the features that might be right for your organization. 

Over 5 Million Items Fulfilled  For Government Agencies

We've helped government buyers connect directly with their small and local vendors, simplifying small purchases and providing expedited sourcing assistance.

24/7 Help Center

Around the clock assistance for a seamless shopping experience for your government teams.